Do you like painting? And do you want to find out if this profession is something for you?
Come and see us on ‘Kwastendag’. During the day, you’ll discover all there is to know about painting. If you like what you see, you can immediately sign up for this educational program with a 100% job guarantee. If you have no experience in painting? No worries, we will teach you!
Kwastendag in 2025
The ‘Kwastendag’ in 2024 has now passed. We will organize a new day in 2025, but the exact date is nog yet known.
Learning and working to become painter
If you are enthusiastic after this day and considered suitable for the job, you can participate in a learning and working process. This takes a few months untill you are at the level of a basic maintenance painter. Firstly you’ll start working for a minimum amount of hours a week and you’ll follow practicals of at least 1 day per week. For example, painting and shaving techniques or how to erect a scaffolding.
After this period, when you are a well trained basic painter, you’ll receive an initial contract for 6 months. You will begin at one of the following maintenance companies: Van der Meijs, Elk of Caspar de Haan onderhoud & renovatie. You’ll receive every chance to learn and work within a nice team of colleagues.
Enlist for the Kwastendag
Do you want to participate in the ‘Kwastendag’? Send us a whatsapp. Do you know anybody else who also has an interest in this opportunity? Please share the details.
Aftermovie Kwastendag 2024
Curious about how last year’s Kwastendag went? Watch the aftermovie here.